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5 Things to Remember When Dealing with Grief


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Five Things to Remember When Dealing with Grief

During everyone’s life at some point or another, chances are high that you will experience the loss of a loved one. When this happens, dealing with the resulting grief can become all-consuming, and it’s so incredibly important to seek out support from either in-person or online grief counseling if you’re really struggling. Regardless of where you’re at in coping with the loss, there are a few important things that are always good to remember when you’re grieving.

Grief Counseling

Be Kind to Yourself

Dealing with loss is often completely overwhelming, and because of this, it’s extremely important to be kind to yourself. Make sure you’re allocating time in your daily routine to do simple things like drink water, take naps, and eat nourishing food. Celebrate the small victories when you manage to accomplish these things as well and perform tasks that help you take care of yourself as often even the smallest things like taking a shower can be incredibly difficult.

It Won’t Be This Way Forever

While painful experiences might feel like they will last forever, when it comes to grief, the only way out is through. It’s better to allow the grief to wash over you instead of trying to stifle it and suppress all of your feelings. Make space to experience these painful emotions so that you can grieve in a healthy way and look towards a future of acceptance.

Grief Is Cyclical, Not Linear

Grief never works in a straightforward line. There will be times when you feel like you’re doing ok, and times where something has triggered you to feel overwhelmed and sad. This doesn’t mean you’re getting worse or relapsing and is just demonstrative of the fact that there is no straightforward path with how people deal with grief and emotions.

Your Feelings Are Valid

People experience and work through grief in different ways, and you are not abnormal for grieving in a way that is different than others. Give yourself the space to really feel whatever your emotions are, whether they be anger, sadness, or even relief. Don’t let other people prescribe to you what they feel like is an “acceptable” way to feel.

You Are Not Alone

There are so many people available for you to help support you during this time. Your friends and loved ones are there to help you through this loss. It can also be incredibly helpful during this time to speak to someone outside of your immediate circle about what you’re feeling, like an in-person or online grief counselor for example. Having someone help you process and work through your emotions can make a huge difference in navigating this new reality you’re living in.

Online Greif Counseling & Support

If you’re looking for some extra support in working through your grief, give us a call at ACT Teletherapy. Our professional and trained mental health experts will provide you with professional support during this challenging time, and feel free to reach out with any questions you may have about our services.