Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing

EMDR at ACT Teletherapy

Convenient and private online counseling

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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Trauma does not end when the moment passes. Memories of traumatic moments can wash over you in waves for years after the event. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a proven therapy that can smooth these waves and help your brain process the trauma. It is a reliable tool to help alleviate stress and facilitate a strong, healthy recovery.

Understanding EMDR

EMDR is highly effective at treating anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), panic attacks, and other forms of trauma. When traumatic events occur, they overwhelm the brain’s ability to cope. This can lead to anxiety and the adoption of unhealthy coping strategies.

EMDR helps retrain the brain by recreating the events in a safe environment so that you can effectively process each memory and emotion. The process helps replace negative beliefs that the brain is focused on with positive ones. The result is that the brain can safely store the memories away and put them in their proper context. Each step of the EMDR process helps to counter any negative beliefs and behaviors you may have adopted regarding the traumatic event.

EMDR at ACT Teletherapy

Normally, EMDR therapy would be conducted in three, in-person sessions. However, COVID-19 has made this more difficult. Our team has developed a program that allows our patients to conduct the first two sessions remotely. The third and final session can be conducted in-person with a therapist. We maintain a small network of local offices where patients can schedule an appointment to complete their EMDR sessions. This allows our patients to benefit from this highly effective therapy while minimizing potential exposure to COVID-19. You can make the choice to conduct the first two sessions through our Teletherapy program or conduct all sessions in our office, the decision is up to you.

Learn More About in Office EMDR Sessions

Are 3 Sessions Enough?

Most patients with single-trauma incidents can recover with three sessions. However, trauma affects everyone differently. Patients who have suffered multiple traumatic events may need additional sessions. Our therapists work closely with you to determine the best course of treatment based on your specific needs. Many times, this is an evolving process and we will make sure that the resources and access are available no matter how many sessions are required to help you heal.

Trauma will not go away without help. The team at ACT Teletherapy can use EMDR and other therapies that can help you recover and move forward. We encourage you to contact us to learn more about our services and the many ways we can assist you.



Couples Counseling

$99 per 30 minute session

You and your spouse or significant other can set up a call or video with your personal counselor.  You can be in your home or office, together or separate.  Get the relationship you deserve!

Video/Voice Counseling

$65 per 30 minute session

Our weekly video and voice plan allows you to schedule a video chat or a call with your personal therapist.  Pick the method that works best for you (or do both!).







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Teen Therapy