Why ADHD Therapy is Important
Most ADHD treatment plans work best when there are a diverse set of methods employed including medication, skill training, and consistent therapy and counseling. Exercises in cognitive behavior therapy which work to help shift patterns of thinking and regulate emotions can help individuals with ADHD manage their symptoms in a way that medication won’t be able to support.
Skill-building will also support individuals to help organize their thoughts and find different tricks to help focus and complete tasks that might be necessary for going about daily life. This is why when searching for an online ADHD therapist, it’s important to consult any other practitioners who are involved in your treatment plans such as psychiatrists or coaches to make sure they are aware of your needs and have the opportunity to provide referrals if they have them.
Therapy Options
Many therapists specialize in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for adults with ADHD, so it’s always a good idea to start your search with that specialization in mind. If you’re having challenges finding someone who fits those criteria, however, or if the costs aren’t feasible for you, then group therapy can often be a more accessible option. The added benefit of being in group therapy and surrounded by other adults with ADHD is that you’re in a room with people who understand the daily challenges you are trying to navigate and can provide community support.
Another option is to a life skills coach who can help support things like time management, planning, and organization if that’s an area you feel could use some extra support.
Mindfulness Techniques
When you’re searching for your online ADHD therapist, be sure to check whether or not they can integrate mindfulness techniques into your sessions. For adults struggling with ADHD, incorporating mindfulness techniques to help manage symptoms has shown amazing results when integrated with treatment plans and is very complimentary to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
If you’re looking for experienced mental health professionals to support you with navigating your ADHD, get in touch with us at ACT Teletherapy. We will work with you to develop a personalized plan for supporting you in your online ADHD therapy sessions, and our amazing and professional staff will make sure you’re set up with everything you need to connect with our mental health professionals online. Get in touch and book your appointment today!