Counseling for Survivors of Abuse

Conflict, Domestic Violence, Teletherapy

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There are many different reasons for seeking out therapy, and among them is for surviving abuse. Whether it’s through therapy for PTSD or domestic violence counseling, finding professional support is one of the most important things a survivor can do for their recovery.

Read on to learn more about what constitutes abuse and how counseling can support addressing the associated symptoms and challenges that survivors may experience.

What Constitutes Abuse?

In general terms, abuse is the harmful use of power to control or hurt another person. Abuse is not limited to physical mistreatment and can take on other forms including verbal and emotional mistreatment. Regardless of its form, abuse can cause long-lasting psychological impacts on those who experience it and can also impact an individual’s well-being and ability to form healthy relationships. It is because of these long-lasting impacts of abuse that it is highly encouraged for individuals to seek out professional support such as domestic violence counseling to cope with the many impacts that abuse may have caused.

Different Types of Abuse

As was previously mentioned, there are several different types of behavior that constitute abuse. Perhaps the most widely recognized is physical abuse, where an individual causes deliberate physical harm to another. Another common type of abuse is sexual abuse, where an individual uses sexual violence in order to intimidate or control another person. Many individuals often hold the preconceived notion that violent offenses such as rape or sexual assault cannot happen when a couple is in a relationship or married, however, this is not the case. Sexual violence is about power, and it’s always a form of abuse when there is a lack of consent from one party.

Another common type of abuse is emotional or psychological abuse. This occurs when an individual uses their words or actions to manipulate and control another person through using tactics such as shaming, isolation, or verbal attacks. Gaslighting, or the act of making another person doubt their own memories or experiences of a certain event, is also a commonly used emotional manipulation tactic. Another common form of abuse is financial abuse, where money or resources are used to manipulate and control another person. This often includes someone feeling as if they are dependent on a family member who is controlling all of their finances for them and uses this to control and dictate the actions of others.

Domestic Violence Counseling & More

If you are recovering from any type of abuse, it’s extremely important to seek out professional support. Domestic violence counseling can go a long way in helping you address the abuse you’ve experienced in the past and move forward in healthy and productive ways. If you’re searching for support, give us a call today at ACT Teletherapy.

Our certified mental health practitioners will work with you to develop a treatment plan that’s right for you and that will support your healing and growth.






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